Ensure your venues executive, management and employees follow the law, regulations, standards, and ethical practices that apply to your industry and your venue.
We customise and tailor digital ecosystems to provide key stakeholders with real time data and insights to improve business efficiencies.
Convert your forms and manual processes into a dynamic Smartform with approval processes and a multitude of field options available, adding valuable insight, improve the user experience, and obtain operational efficiencies. Our industry templates include Shift Summary Report, Security Report, Employee/Patron. Incident Form or have us build any other paper-based form you use.
Our Scheduled Tasks can automate your task reminders so that tasks are managed more effectively and you know who is responsible. Whether it be a simple ‘sign off’ with up loadable evidence or a series of questions or checklists, each task can be tailored to meet your venue’s requirements.
Effectively manage and control your document system through maintaining document controls and ensuring staff are using the correct versions, all within one easy to use solution. Document review triggers can be scheduled with escalation ensuring all documents remain relevant and up to date.
Create your competency framework or model for your organisation & also for each position by identifying the key abilities or requirements for that position. Automate, easily identify & be notified when a person’s competency is due or about to expire – perfect for tracking RSG/RSA, First Aid, Armed Hold-up, AML/CTF and WHS employee competencies.
Providing management with transparency across all venues by streamlining all your WHS checklist requirements. Use a centralised solution to promote compliance, risk and safety by standardising data, enabling your staff to capture rich and accurate information and strong analytics.
Ensure your venue complies with regulatory guidelines and adheres to codes of practice which are reflected in your complaint management system resulting in the implementation of your complaint handling standards and improved service levels.
Embed an enterprise-wide agreements management solution which tracks and notifies your Staff when any contract, service agreements or lease is due to expire, allowing you to extract the full value from all your agreements.
Adopt a sophisticated approach to managing all aspects of your facilities. Leverage the power of a centralised solution from the raising of a maintenance request, preventative maintenance program, contractor certificates, review and tender of any contracts or agreements through to the management of your contractor/visitor and volunteer entry
Adopt a demonstrable system that mitigates the risks of money laundering and terrorism financing. Clubs and Hotels that operate 15 or more electronic gaming machines (EGMs) must develop & implement & comply with a suitable Anti-Money Laundering & Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) program to protect against the risk of money laundering or terrorism financing activity occurring. Civil and criminal penalties can be imposed where a business does not comply with the Act.
The NSW Digital Incident Register is a comprehensive record-keeping tool for licensed venues to document specific incidents, such as violence or anti-social behavior, that occur on their premises. All hotels and registered clubs with Gaming Machine Entitlements or Permits are required to maintain a Gambling Incident Register as part of this system, ensuring that all gambling-related incidents are recorded. The register is subject to inspection by Liquor and Gaming NSW inspectors and Police during audits. Failing to produce the incident register upon request is an offense. This digital solution ensures compliance and promotes a safer environment within licensed venues.
Add these features to your digital ecosystem. Chat with us to see how we can tailor a digital ecosystem for you.
Reporting Widgets
Mobile Friendly
Secured Document Links
Unlimited Approval Steps
Task Escalation
Email Notifications
Unlimited Users
Validation of Entry Requirements
Level 2, Bay 8,
6 Middlemiss St,
Milsons Point NSW 2061
PO Box 1062,
Manly NSW 1655